$35 USD

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The Healing Power of Forgiveness

Wednesday 9 October 2024
(14-day replay)

2-hour seminar - including lecture, writing, seated breathwork, visualization and Q&A.

Forgiveness is perhaps the most powerful and yet forgotten tool we have for healing ourselves. To forgive another heals oneself, just as anger toward another poisons oneself. Anger and resentment destroy our lives.

For the body to heal, often times what is most vital is to heal the broken heart or spirit. Failure to forgive affects our stress level, power to heal the body, discernment, and all of our relationships. 

The first part of this seminar is focused on forgiving others; the second part will address forgiving oneself.

No previous experience necessary.

Los Angeles (PDT) 10am - 12pm
New York (EDT) 1 - 3pm
Amsterdam (CET) 7 - 9pm

Location: Livestream, via Zoom
Recording will be available until 14 days after the seminar.

Discount package (find the overview here)
In October, Max is also hosting two online trainings. On Sunday 27 October he will teach The Secret of Using Movement & Postures and How to Teach Cathartic Breathwork. We set up two discount packages for you:

October Special: all three events hosted on 9 October and 27 October (available for purchase until 9 October 6:45pm CEST.
$125 USD.)

Training Special: both trainings on 27 October—available for purchase until 27 October 12:45am CET.
$99 USD.