$55 USD

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December Special - 2 sessions hosted on 15 December

This offer gives access to both workshops hosted on Sunday 15 December.
Available for purchase until 15 December 3:15pm CET.

Get your package discount of $15 USD!

  • Location: Livestream, via Zoom.
  • Recordings are available until 14 days after the workshop.
  • No previous experience necessary.

The Healing Power of Transformational Breathwork

The voices of our intuition and wisdom are commonly drowned out by the noise in our mind. This noise is often caused by chaotic or congested emotions from stress, anxiety, and depression. With specific breathing patterns we can physically release the pent-up stress and emotions that we have held in our chests for far too long.

Simple techniques, accessible to everyone, with incredible results. The practices you will learn in this workshop take you to a calm and inspired state with new depths of insight.

This 2-hour lecture and breath-based workshop includes lecture, writing, standing and seated breathwork and visualization.

New York (EST) 9:30 - 11:30am
Amsterdam (CET) 3:30 - 5:30pm
Dubai (GST) 6:30 - 8:30pm


Vital Life, Better Sleep

You do not have to spend your days exhausted from a lack of sleep and never-ending stress. You can live freely without being plagued by anxiety or panic attacks. In this workshop you will experience the effect of very practical tools to alleviate anxiety, reduce stress and improve your sleep.

Max will start with a short lecture and then will continue with a breath and gentle movement sequence that immediately triggers stillness, focus and deep relaxation. After this workshop you will be able to immediately apply the techniques in your day-to-day life. Simple, powerful, accessible.

This 2-hour movement-based seminar includes lecture, gentle movement practice, simple and high-impact breathwork.

Los Angeles (PST) 10am - 12pm
New York (EST) 1 - 3pm
Amsterdam (CET) 7 - 9pm


Follow the links below to sign up for a single session instead of the December Special: